Sunday, 22 June 2014

That Whistles Jumper Though...

I have been after a Whistles jumper for a good old while now, and deciding which to go for was quite the challenge... I knew I wanted there to be French on it, so the 'W' version was a miss... Then the Je Ne Regrette Rien version had sequins on the front, so it was a no to that too... I liked the idea of a navy one, but ever since I saw Fleur de Force wearing the Fleur version, I knew I couldn't wear it as no one else could rock that so well, right?

So it was between the Jolie one (God, I was tempted) and the L'Été one. I tried on both in John Lewis last week and in the end, L'Été one for the colour combo (blue and grey and my babes) but I was worried that I'll be limited to wearing it in the summer, which for a blummin' gorge long sleeved sweatshirt, seemed a bit daft... so I'll be wearing it ironically all year round, I've decided, and may be keeping my eyes on the autumn/winter offerings to see if they have a navy one to fill that wardrobe hole in my life...
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