So, it's a Sunday and I am chilling in my pjs in bed, with a mild hangover and the cat.
Fun fact: I woke up to find I had drunkenly spent this week's wages on a Monki order (well done, last night me, well done). When that guy comes I'll probs do y'all a haul on here, because I've been buying but not hauling for a while now and I feel like you guys are missing out...
Anywho, I woke up feeling spendy despite being skint so here is what I am lusting after:
All Things Anomie

Oooh God. I am planning a style heroes post soon (to go with my makeup heroes feature from a month ago) and I know that Chelsea from ChelseaWears is so gonna be in it. She is pale, she is edgy, she looks far cooler with roots than I do and her shop Anomie is da bomb. Dot and com.
Don't get shirty with me - oh wait please do
silk shirt | sleeveless striped shirt = Zara | shirt collar tips | cropped vintage shirt = Nutshell Vintage
I wanna get into wearing collared shirts. I had such a phobia of wearing them after school, but now I am just all kindsa loved up for 'em. I also love the idea of changing up some cool collar tips - all about makin' one garment look like it's actually five. Also Nutshell Vintage was started by one of the gals I was pals with back at school and it looks so cool (its FB page is full of some good chuckles). Desperate to go hit it up sometime!
Some Stylish Reads
Paris Street Style | Betty Cornell's Teenage Popularity Guide | Popular: Vintage Wisdom For A Modern Geek
You're all probably a bit fed up with seeing the Paris Street Style book so I won't dwell on it too much (other than to say I NEED IT) but the other two reads are ones I have been keeping an eye since reading about them in the Daily Telegraph magazine; they both sound thoroughly fascinating!
I'm gonna call it off hear and chow down on some form of brunch (Momma Bonanas bought bacon, the beauty that she is) so I will see you in video format on Tuesday, definitely not hungover I swear!