Friday, 16 October 2015

The October Project #3

Dear You,

How have we reached Part Three of The October Project already? The old adage is proving to be true, and time is very much flying while we have fun. I hope you've been enjoying autumn's return. Darker nights are not the easiest thing to get used to (especially the further north you go... the difference between the Midlands and the south coast of England is incredible) but I am so ready for autumn colours to do their thing.

Have you had a good week? I know I have; something about being days away from your birthday seems to do that to a person! My plans revolve solely around seeing people, with a little adventure planned for next weekend... This weekend however will involve a day trip in Southampton for one last hoorah, as the last of my housemates from final year is moving on to bigger and better things. If you know and love Southampton, you will be pleased to hear that we have a visit to Wagamama's planned, as well as some decadent waffle goodness in Sprinkles (and I am keen to drag the girls to see what art exhibition is on in the Civic Centre). It's going to be sad but so, so lovely too.

For the day of my birthday, Mum and I are going to kick it grandma style and go for a mosey around a beautiful town somewhere... fingers crossed for some antique hunting. (And feel free to judge me on that last sentence; I evidently seem to think I am celebrating my 96th birthday instead.)

Please send birthday wishes through the ether to my twin brother too; he will be away on military training in Spain so won't be able to celebrate on the day!!

On to the roundup of this week's goodies...


I am still on a cooking kick and this week I made Madeleine Shaw's granola (which I will be tweaking a little as I found it a bit too bitter); some brie, mushroom and bacon tarts; and two stunning pizzas of entirely my own GENIUS invention. If any of these sound like the kind of dishes you'd like a recipe for, just holler in the comments and I will make it happen... and join me on Snapchat (username byhermirror) for more cooking fun!


I've finally started Go Set A Watchman and while I'm very much still in the story's shallow end, I am loving being back with Scout and Atticus. It was a little disconcerting to be given a third person perspective at first, but I settled in and am now used to the shift. I do need more fiction for my reading list - my non-fiction reads are piling high but I could do with some classics to provide some literary padding.


Tycho, obviously. Dive is most definitely one of my favourite ever albums. I also listened to this Owsey track a lot this week; it made me cry thanks to its haunting composition and its achingly relevant title.


I know you guys love these links; hopefully you enjoy this week's selection.

What I Should Have Done Differently When I Started Blogging - Emma's posts always come with an original angle and I loved hearing her thoughts on this subject.
Vegan Health Food Haul - Juliette's videos are just as beautiful as her Instagram
Notes For My Daughter: Weak & Strong - That Sara can produce both beautiful words and pictures is so inspiring to me. I've also been following along with her amazing Instaretreat and encourage you to join too! 
The Many Problems With, You Sound White - I love Chescaleigh's videos and this was such a great watch
In-Grid - Cereal Magazine's online journal stuns yet again and I love finding brands that are rewriting the rulebooks
The Michalaks make Sundays magical  
I re-jigged my Pinterest - what do you think?

And that does it for this week! Would you like to contribute to next week's October Project? Before this little mission is over I would love to get you guys involved so please drop me a comment below if you would like to join in! 


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