Hi there my crew... How are all you? If the answer is "good, and ready for a new By Her Mirror feature" then have I got a treat for you. I'm planning on a monthly/bi-weekly/just whenever the mood strikes round up, featuring the greatest pun on my own name since my entry into this world. (Annalog was a less attractive runner-up. Poo connotations were what ruled that one out.)
My Annagrams are going to be a little round up of what I've been loving from my Instagram, general life and also a little selection of blog posts and internet things I've enjoyed and want to recommend to you. It goes almost without saying that I am pumped.
This week in pictures...
- Back in my favourite city: If you know me offline you will probably have already been treated to one of my rants about how amazing my uni city is (we have a pub themed around Lord of the Rings. Need a girl say more?) I love being home but I adore coming back to my student hub, full of some of my favourite people and favourite digs. I could bang on about it all day.
- A Nutella addiction reaches new levels: I've moved from eating the stuff to cooking with it. This charming, turd like pastry is actually meant to be a Nutella croissant. I used the recipe in this book but as it's really not that good, I am considering perfecting it to actual useable instructions and sharing them with you... Does this idea appeal? Let me know below!
- My new baby: A satchel with my name on it?! Does life get ANY BETTER? They say when one door closes another is opened, and this was how I justified the purchase of this amazing personalised satchel last week... my last satchel died and this was a spectacular replacement. It honks of leather and I well and truly love it.
- Project365: I am literally amazed that I am on day 53 of my Project365... As the former queen of falling off bandwagons and giving up on things I promised I would do, this is major progress. Taking photos every day has been challenging but fun and I am starting to get better at it too! (Impressive given I am living in an essay based bubble at the moment!
- Succulent amour: I just love this little guy. So much. I wish I had more places in my room to put plants, because my desk and bedside table look so much cheerier with my cactus children and flower vase... Stay tuned as I will be sharing a project involving this baby very soon!
- A birthday celebration with some babes: It was my gorgeous housemate Tieran's birthday a couple of weeks ago and we celebrated last Saturday with an Italian feast (DELISH), Jamaican cocktails (DIVINE) and a Marvel-lous movie night complete with Guardians of the Galaxy. It rocked.
Some online favourites...
I adore great photography and the amazing shots on Lifestaljer are beauty blogging at its finest... I drool over each post, I really do! I suggest you go and drool too... and I love her honest reviews too.
My obsession with Carla's lovely blog, Blush Parade continues to grow and I cannot get enough of her hilarious and honest writing. She's a bae who hails from Spain but is now, in her own words, living the Emerald Dream in Ireland. I have loved chatting to her and her post on being a Spaniard in Ireland was actually one I requested and adored reading... She talks about celebrating the Epiphany, something I am pretty interested in!
Why so interested? Because I baked this Galette des rois for my girl Tieran on her birthday and though I say so myself, I thought it tasted and looked jolly authentic. If you are after an easy, deliciously French pastry, this is for you - they're a big tradition at this time of year in France!
I cannot stop listening to London Grammar's album If You Wait at the moment... It's been out for a long enough but somehow passed me by! My favourite track is Strong but I also love the end of Metal and Dust. Y'all will lurve.
Last of all I super enjoyed my friend Emily's post on her minimal wardrobe additions - I have always loved her sense of style and it's so cool to see her trying a new direction whilst still owning it. Hers is a blog to watch this year as that girl has some amazingly creative ideas!
So that concludes the first ever Annagram... Let me know how often you'd like to see this kind of post down below and feel free to share any links for things you think I would love!
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