Guys, I'm a shameless spendaholic.
But I'm an honest spendaholic, so I'm about to divulge the delicious deets of my tasty crimes.
Let's do this.
Peplum Action
Despite being somewhat petite in my derriere, I failed to grasp that peplum styles are the ONE if you want to fake a far more fabulous booty than nature bequeathed you. This sexy momma is from H&M and it cost me a mere £12.99 (similar ones here and here). A small price to pay for self esteem. Hands up if you can name the show responsible for that quote. It is beautiful and I feel sophisticated without even trying... and as far as I am concerned, that is the dream in life.
Leather Jacket (OOOOSH)
This wins the award for the most impulsive purchase of the month, hands down. My first leather jacket is not actually made of leather (not gonna lie there was no way an actual leather one was a good idea with how often I spill stuff) but it is from Zara and it is amazing. In my humble opinion. Here is your link if you feel like snoopin'. This was purchased with a little encouragement from Ellie, who assures me I need it and will wear it always. I'm not gonna lie, I'm writing this the day after and I already agree with her.
Yep, I bought two. Call me crazy, but I fell head over heels with this two, which were part of the OMCH secret sale... This ring necklace is very similar to the one pictured, and is also from OMCH; meanwhile this beautiful necklace on Anomie is the necklace that inspired the bar necklace purchase. I love them as dearly as if they were my own children*.
I hope you guys enjoyed this little style post - which of these pieces was your fave?
*joke stolen from Ellie - I love you girl