I love, love, love me a good wishlist... They work to get out my spending itch in a more constructive and less bank-balance-bothering fashion, and if I can afford to, reading other people's is the perfect spending inspo.
This wishlist is a brush themed one as I have told myself many a time that you can never have too many brushes (or skincare... one for another wishlist!) Given that at the time of writing I am currently curating my favourite brushes from my present stash, I felt it was the ideal opportunity to give you the lowdown on what other brushes I have my eyes on...
The High End Heroes

These lovely ladies have been on my wishlist for what feels like an eternity... Pixiwoo, Lisa Eldridge and of course Charlotte Tilbury are all responsible for the lust that I feel for these four. The Paula Dorf and Suqqu Cheek brushes in particular have been on my mental wishlist for a good couple of years now; I am thinking their purchase will have to be save for a very special occasion!
Sold On Rose Gold
But of course! This particular pick has received arguably more blog coverage than any other set (with the exception of perhaps Real Techniques' Core Collection) so I won't bore you too much with its merits but good LORD it is GORGEOUS.
Bobbi Brown Beauties
Those are my choices, I hope you liked 'em - what are the brushes you are drooling over?