Thursday, 21 August 2014
Thoughts on Never Let Me Go
Have you read Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go?
If you haven't and don't want spoilers, don't read this post, get out there and enjoy your day!
If you have read it and want to hear my thoughts, do feel free to stick around.
This is one of those books that split me down the middle; I was completely gripped and compelled to read on, but found that I wasn't besotted with the narrator or the characters; it has stayed with me and had some great twists to the plot, but it's not a book I'm in a hurry to read again or force upon others.
Not every story should be a fairy tale, and not all novels should have happy endings. I do however feel that books ought to leave us with a feeling we have been given something, or even wanting more, rather than feeling we've been cheated or taken for a ride.
Having written that sentence, I see now that it's likely that my reaction was an intentional one, constructed to echo the emotions of Kathy at the end of the story; but I still feel Never Let Me Go
had all the ingredients of a great book but somehow didn't make good on them.
In all honesty, I recommend Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale over this one.
If anyone out there has read this book, what was your take on it? Have I missed the point, and did you feel satisfied with its conclusion? I am all ears!
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Pretending To Be Chic
My passions in life include taking screenshots that amuse and entertain only myself, tidying a metre of the tip that is my bedroom and spending three hours online to celebrate, and occasionally fancying myself up so as to feel chic (by far my favourite word the French have ever given us).
The first step, and the one I have turned to most, is the striped top. It's a classic for a reason folks, and a Breton audit that I carried out before writing this post revealed I currently have six variations on the classic, and approximately zero regrets on this subject. The one in the photo is a slightly cropped, ribbed beauty from M&S of all places, and can be purchased here.
Next up are my black sunnies; frankly any garment or accessory that even vaguely reminds me of Audrey Hepburn is one that I feel I need, and this pair were actually a freebie as part of this Bourjois promotion. They are magically flattering and one of my favourite pairs I've ever owned - so merci, Bourjois, merci.
Last of all is my early birthday present from my mum and dad (living legends both of them, let me tell you) which is a grey and rose gold Marc Jacobs watch that I am frankly besotted with. It's a style that I used to drool over regularly in France, as the jewellers I passed by on the way to the bank was home to this beauty and I never got round to treating myself to it.
These are my three steps for pretending to be chic - now the question is what are yours??
Thursday, 14 August 2014
A Long Weekend In Photos
Sunday, 10 August 2014
If You Do One Thing This Month #3
Hit up your local TK or TJ Maxx, depending on where you live!
Above are three goodies that I grabbed last month... It's definitely worth remembering that as TK runs on other brands' old stock (or so I'm told!) there will be beauty products that are a little bit less fresh than you may be used to, but I think this is still a great option to try higher end lines before you buy 'em full price.
Not pictured, but DEFINITELY worth checking out, is their stationery section: my local one has some incredible and beautiful notebooks that are a total bloody steal, so RUN DOWN THERE my friend, go go go!
Above are three goodies that I grabbed last month... It's definitely worth remembering that as TK runs on other brands' old stock (or so I'm told!) there will be beauty products that are a little bit less fresh than you may be used to, but I think this is still a great option to try higher end lines before you buy 'em full price.
Not pictured, but DEFINITELY worth checking out, is their stationery section: my local one has some incredible and beautiful notebooks that are a total bloody steal, so RUN DOWN THERE my friend, go go go!
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Sunday Wishlist #2 The Brush Edition
I love, love, love me a good wishlist... They work to get out my spending itch in a more constructive and less bank-balance-bothering fashion, and if I can afford to, reading other people's is the perfect spending inspo.
This wishlist is a brush themed one as I have told myself many a time that you can never have too many brushes (or skincare... one for another wishlist!) Given that at the time of writing I am currently curating my favourite brushes from my present stash, I felt it was the ideal opportunity to give you the lowdown on what other brushes I have my eyes on...
The High End Heroes

These lovely ladies have been on my wishlist for what feels like an eternity... Pixiwoo, Lisa Eldridge and of course Charlotte Tilbury are all responsible for the lust that I feel for these four. The Paula Dorf and Suqqu Cheek brushes in particular have been on my mental wishlist for a good couple of years now; I am thinking their purchase will have to be save for a very special occasion!
Sold On Rose Gold
But of course! This particular pick has received arguably more blog coverage than any other set (with the exception of perhaps Real Techniques' Core Collection) so I won't bore you too much with its merits but good LORD it is GORGEOUS.
Bobbi Brown Beauties
Those are my choices, I hope you liked 'em - what are the brushes you are drooling over?