Saturday, 15 November 2014

Why You Should Try New Things

I’m warning you now, this is a late night ramble to myself. Hopefully this will prove more fruitful than my other late night hits of inspiration; a quick browse on my phone reveals the last one was “What would happen to the English language if the Nazis had won?” Okay Anna.

Anywho, to the “point” of this one.

I’m a creature of habit. I like sticking to what I know – in fact I’ve got more habits than your average nun.

Usually, being a bit habit-prone ain’t no bad thing. It’s part of our characters – I like to think my loopy running style, love of making messes and tendency to play the same songs over and over are qualities that my loved ones enjoy about me. Not all habits are bad habits, after all.

My problem for the last few years has been that I nearly always assume I will suck at a new venture before I’ve even tried it – and trust me, it makes looking at job applications a far more depressing experience than is strictly healthy. I’m either a pessimist (to some, the highest form of optimism) or a pragmatist, depending on your particular stance.

I am however realising that this immediate fear of trying new things is incredibly stupid, and I’d like to give you an example.

I do pole fitness – now getting back into it after 15 months off – and it’s something I really enjoy. Prior to starting, the only exercises I was interested in doing were grammar ones for my course, and “interested in” is a bit of a strong way to describe my feelings on that subject.

But I went to my first pole class, after about a year or so of thinking, man, I would love to do that. My gorgeous bud Jess took me along and to start off with, I was sh*te. Like so bad. Imagine the worst thing you’ve ever done and multiply that by about three thousand.

But I stuck with it.

Turns out I’m not too shabby at pole fitness – I’m not the strongest girl in our squad, nor am I the skinniest (though now I say that, your weight really doesn’t make much difference as to how good you are) but what I discovered a few months in is that I have a surprisingly bendy back.

A very happy discovery it was too.

If you’re not au fait with pole, having a bendy back is actually incredibly useful – I feel like a bit of a fraud if I’m honest with you, as many moves tend to look far more impressive and even painful than they are as a result.

The crux of what I’m trying to get at with this is that if I had never taken that step, trying a sport when I was so convinced I sucked at anything sport related, I would not only have never experienced the joy of pole fitness, but my bendy back would have gone completely ignored; that thought makes me very sad indeed.

I have also got really into photography this year. I don’t think my skills in that department are anything to write home about (I’m learning, folks, I am learning) but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the sh*t out of snapping away, stumbling my way around Manual mode with all the skills of a drunken bear writing an opera.

Please don’t get any bears drunk now I’ve written that. Or make them write operas.

The fact is I’m enjoying learning, and finding teaching myself things far more enjoyable than having the education system try to teach things against my will.

What I’d like you to get from this ramble is that it ain’t too late, babe. That hobby you’re thinking of trying but just have yet to get round to? Go Google it this evening and let me know if you get started. That route you walk home? Mix it up a bit. Eating soup every night? (GUILTY) For God’s sake branch out a bit.

You might find a bendy back. Even if you don’t, you will love it... or else find that next step to the thing you do love.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Instagram Of The Month: MarionHoney

I am super excited to be sharing another Instagram Spotlight with you this month - putting together the last one was hugely enjoyable, and I was very excited when Marion of MarionHoney said yes to being featured as November's Spotlight.

Marion is originally from the US but now lives in the UK and her photos make me feel all kinds of pride about good old Blighty. She's a lady that shares my love of architecture and she has a knack for making England look like a bloody amazing place to live, quite frankly.

I have also loved following her blog and Youtube channel... The lady is a babe, gang.

Now let's enjoy the beauty together:

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Saturday, 8 November 2014

Food For Thought

Today's post is a rundown of content that I think you should get in on, because it had my little thunkin' cogs all a-whir... Here we go!

The Inescapable Mourning of Days of Past by Scarphelia
Not sure how I've managed to miss out on the gripping coolness of Katie's blog Scarphelia, but better late than never is what the wise woman said. This piece got me thinking back to the first six months or so of first year, which at the time felt like the best six months of my life. Katie really envoked that joy and pain of cherished memories and my goodness, can that girl tell a good yarn.

I Left Social Media for a Week. This is What Happened. from Wit and Delight
Over the past few months I finally realised how reliant I was becoming on social media, and how much I struggled without it. Every moment must be Insta-ed; every Insta must be edited to cr*p. Kate seemed to share my comparing problems with Instagram and I really enjoyed her experimental findings; now to try and do the same myself...

Life's Too Short To Not Just Go For It by Zoe London
I always love reading Zoe's personal pieces; she has a gift for speaking concisely and with clarity, and her words always seem to come from the heart. This piece was beautifully inspiring, a real gift to find in my feed, and I hope it is just as uplifting for you too.

Having Healthy Relationships by Bloomin' Rouge
This post is from August but the message is still one that I come back to regularly. It's safe to say I have been seduced, just as Holly was, into thinking that our friendships and relationships are what defines us, and must be protected and maintained at all costs... I'll let Holly say the rest as she does a far better and more eloquent job than I.

The Lively Show by Jess Lively
I am steadily working my way though the archives of Jess' wonderful podcast and I always feel so uplifted with every listen. The show focuses on personal and occasionally professional development... which sounds dry, but it's essentially interesting and successful people sharing their thoughts and lessons on thriving in the modern world. Kate Arends of Wit and Delight's episode is a lovely, honest listen, while Kris Carter's episode really spreads his optimism and energy... It's wonderful stuff.

I hope you guys check these lovely pieces out, and if you do, feel free to let me know your thoughts, and share with your friends! I think these are some really great brain stimulators.

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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

A Good Morning Playlist

Mornings and me go together about as well as soy sauce and your keyboard - I am and always shall be a night owl. I do however a number of methods to push me into a day welcoming kind of mood, one of them being putting on a good playlist and faking my way to waking for the day. I thought I'd share this little compilation to help make your morns more manageable too!